Module async

Utilities to work with asynchronous callback-style control flow.

All callbacks must adhere to the callback signature: function(err, values...). The first parameter is the error value. It will be nil if no error ocurred, otherwise the error value depends on the function that the callback was passed to. If no error ocurred, an arbitrary number of return values may be received as second parameter and onward.

Depending on the particular implementation of a function that a callback is passed to, it may be possible to receive non-nil return values, even when an error ocurred. Using such return values should be considered undefined behavior, unless explicitly documented by the calling function.

License GPL v3.0

Table of contents


once([fn]) Wraps a function such that it can only ever be called once.
wrap_sync(fn) Turns an asynchronous function into a blocking operation.
waterfall(tasks, final_callback) Executes a list of asynchronous functions in series.
all(tasks, final_callback) Runs all tasks in parallel and collects the results.
dag(tasks, final_callback) Resolves a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of asynchronous dependencies.
do_while(iteratee, test, final_callback) Repeatedly calls test and iteratee until stopped.
callback([object], fn, ...) Wrap a function with arguments for use as callback.


once([fn]) line 32
Wraps a function such that it can only ever be called once.

If the returned function is called multiple times, only the first call will result in the wrapped function being called. Subsequent calls will be ignored. If no function is given, a noop function will be used.


  • fn :  The function to wrap.
    type function


  • The wrapped function or a noop.
    type function
wrap_sync(fn) line 58
Turns an asynchronous function into a blocking operation.

Using coroutines, this runs a callback-style asynchronous function and blocks until it completes. The function to be wrapped may only accept a single parameter: a callback function. Return values passed to this callback will be returned as regular values by wrap_sync.

Panics that happened inside the asynchronous function will be captured and re-thrown.


  • fn :  An asynchronous function: function(cb)
    type function


  • Any return values as passed by the wrapped function
    type any
waterfall(tasks, final_callback) line 92 async
Executes a list of asynchronous functions in series.

waterfall accepts an arbitrary list of asynchronous functions (tasks) and calls them in series. Each function waits for the previous one to finish and will be given the previous function’s return values.

If an error occurs in any task, execution is stopped immediately, and the final callback is called with the error value. If all tasks complete successfully, the final callback will be called with the return values of the last task in the list.

All tasks must adhere to the callback signature: function(err, ...).


  • tasks :  The asynchronous tasks to execute in series.
    type table
  • final_callback :  Called when all tasks have finished.
    type function

Callback parameters:

  • The error returned by a failing task.
    type any
  • Values as returned by the last task.
    type any
all(tasks, final_callback) line 140 async
Runs all tasks in parallel and collects the results.

If any task produces an error, final_callback will be called immediately and remaining tasks will not be tracked.


  • tasks :  A list of asynchronous functions. They will be given a callback parameter: function(err, ...).
    type table
  • final_callback
    type function
dag(tasks, final_callback) line 221 async
Resolves a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of asynchronous dependencies.

The task list is a key-value map, where the key defines the task name and the value the is the task definition. A task definition consists of a a list of dependencies (which may be empty) and an asynchronous function. Any task name may be used as dependency for any other task, as long as no loops are created. A task’s function will be called once all of its dependencies have become available and will be passed a results table that contains the values returned by all tasks so far.

If any tasks passes an error to its callback, execution and tracking for all other tasks stops and final_callback is called with that error value. Otherwise, final_callback will be called once all tasks have completed, with the results of all tasks.

The results table uses the task name as key and provides a table.packed list of task results as value.


  • tasks :  A map of asynchronous tasks.
    type table
  • final_callback
    type function

Callback parameters:

  • Any error from a failing task.
    type any
  • Results of all resolved tasks.
    type table


        get_data = { function(cb)
            local f ="/tmp/foo.txt")
        end },
        make_folder = { function(cb)
            fs.make_folder("/tmp/bar", cb)
        end },
        write_data = { "get_data", "make_folder", function(results, cb)
            local data = table.unpack(results.get_data)
            local f ="/tmp/bar/foo.txt")
            f:write(data, cb)
        end },
    function(err, results)
        if err ~= nil then
do_while(iteratee, test, final_callback) line 357 async
Repeatedly calls test and iteratee until stopped.

iteratee is called repeatedly. It is passed a callback (function(err, ...)), which should be called with either an error or any results of the iteration.

test is called once per iteration, after iteratee. It is passed a callback (function(err, stop)) and any non-error values from iteratee. The callback should be called with either an error or a boolean value. Iteration will stop when an error is passed by either callback or when test passes a falsy value.

In either case final_callback will be called with the latest results from iteratee.

This is, in concept, analogous to a do {} while () construct, where iteratee is the do block and test is the while test.


  • iteratee :  Called repeatedly. Signature: function(cb).
    type function
  • test :  Called once per iteration, after iteratee. Signature: function(..., cb).
    type function
  • final_callback :  Called once, when test indicates to stop the iteration.
    type function

Callback parameters:

  • Any error from iteratee or test.
    type any
  • Values passed by the most recent execution of iteratee.
    type any
callback([object], fn, ...) line 409
Wrap a function with arguments for use as callback.

This may be used to wrap a function or table method as a callback, providing a (partial) argument list. Arguments to this call are passed through to the provided function when it is called, arguments from the final caller are appended after those.

If the function is actually a method (i.e. it expects a self parameter or is called with :), the self table can be passed as the first argument. Otherwise, nil should be passed.


  • object :  The object to call the method on.
    type table
  • fn :  The function to wrap.
    type function
  • ... :  Arbitrary arguments to pass through to the wrapped function.
    type any


  • type function